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Pricing that works at scale

Collaborate in Gmail over your 7-day free trial
– then choose a plan for your team, or continue for free.


For small teams that need
the essentials.


user / month, billed yearly.

$0 per user / month if billed monthly.

  • Up to 3 users
  • 1 WorkspaceA workspace can be a Shared Inbox, a Google Group, or a custom board.
  • Team chat and @mentions
  • Assignments
  • Shared drafts
  • Collision detectionCollision detection prevents multiple members from replying to the same email at the same time.
  • Email tracking
  • Permalinks
Try for Free


For teams starting with collaboration & automation.


user / month, billed yearly.

$10 per user / month if billed monthly.

  • Unlimited users
  • Unlimited WorkspacesA workspace can be a Shared Inbox, a Google Group, or a custom board.
  • Unlimited shared conversations
  • Unlimited integrations
  • Unlimited rule executions
  • Email templates
  • Email notes and subtasks
  • 3-month reporting window
Try for Free


For growing teams that need to scale work.


user / month, billed yearly.

$18 per user / month if billed monthly.

  • Unlimited users
  • Unlimited WorkspacesA workspace can be a Shared Inbox, a Google Group, or a custom board.
  • Unlimited shared conversations
  • Unlimited integrations
  • Unlimited rule executions
  • Email sequences
  • Merge cards
  • 6-month reporting window
Try for Free


For teams with advanced email workflows.


user / month, billed yearly.

$26 per user / month if billed monthly.

  • Unlimited users
  • Unlimited WorkspacesA workspace can be a Shared Inbox, a Google Group, or a custom board.
  • Unlimited shared conversations
  • Unlimited integrations
  • Unlimited rule executions
  • Custom fields
  • Custom user roles
  • 12-month reporting window
Try for Free

Compare all plans

Plans for all companies of different sizes.


$0 user/month billed yearly

$0 user/month billed monthly

Start Free Trial


$8 user/month billed yearly

$10 user/month billed monthly

Start Free Trial


$14 user/month billed yearly

$18 user/month billed monthly

Start Free Trial


$20 user/month billed yearly

$26 user/month billed monthly

Start Free Trial


Board view

List view

Preview view

Filtered viewsFiltered views includes assigned to me, due soon & overdue, sent, draft, unread, and snoozed.


Shared inbox

Shared email drafts

Compose as collaborator (or Shared Inbox)

Reply as collaborator (or Shared Inbox)

Collision detectionCollision detection prevents multiple members from replying to the same email at the same time.

Team chat and @mentions



Shared tags

Workspace management

Activity log

Sort and filter

Color code

Card status

Due dates

Merge cards

Custom fields

Email management

Email tracking

Email notes

Email templates

Email sequences

Task management



Task notes

File upload


Automation rules

Automated tagging

Workspace routing

Automatic responder

Round-robin assignment


Custom notifications

SLA & Business hours

Business hours


Card reports

Tag reports

User performance reports

First response time reports

Average response time reports

Data reports export (CSV)

Usage limits


Up to 3




# of WorkspacesA workspace can be a Shared Inbox, a Google Group, or a custom board.

1 Workspace




Analytics reporting window

3 months

6 months

12 months

Automation rules

Up to 10



Automation rule executions




Admin management

Consolidated billing

Admin roles

Default user roles and permissions

Custom user roles and permissions

Integrations & API


Google Workspace

Google Groups

Google Calendar



Support & training

Self-service support

Email support

Priority email support

Onboarding assistance

In-app chat support

Live video training


Gmail Chrome extension

iOS app

Android app

Still have questions?

We have the answers…

Is Drag free?

We offer a free plan and three paid plans. The Free plan is free forever. It comes with an unmatched level of features compared to other tools. We make money on our paid plans, where typically they are teams looking to progress their operations at scale.

What is the definition of User in the pricing?

Our definition of user is the same one used in Google Workspace. If you have a dedicated user in your Google Workspace account for inboxes such as support@, they’re also considered a user in Drag subscriptions. Setups such as Google Groups or aliases do not require extra licences.

Do we pay extra for more users?

Yes. It’s a simple per user / per month pricing if you’re a team. You can add, remove or switch users in your account at any point.

We're a big team. Do you offer an Enterprise plan?

Yes. Please contact us if you’re a super-big team (typically 50+). You’ll have different needs and we need to support you in a different way.

Can you use on many domains?

Yes you can work across multi-domains.

Do you offer discounts?

Yes. When you pay for the year upfront, we offer a discount.

Do you support non-profits and educational institutions?

If you are working on behalf of a non-profit, NGO or an educational institution please send us an email. We have a dedicated program to help meaningful organizations make more of an impact. Here is our Close to our heart program.

Do you require a credit card to start a trial?

We do not ask for a credit card and you will only process payment if you choose to proceed. You can cancel at any time.

Can we cancel any time?

Yes. You can cancel any time. There is no minimum contract.

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