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Can Gmail be used for business email?

By October 14th, 2024No Comments
Gmail business

Gmail is one of the most used email clients in the world. People use it on regular basis and millions of Gmail emails are sent every day. Companies use it a lot too, and Google has created tools to make their email duties more comfortable.  That’s why you can use Gmail for business, and succeed at it.

Sometimes small companies use their owner’s personal Gmail address to do business. Today, we’ll learn about Gmail and how wise is to use it for businesses.

Why use Gmail for business?

Companies who use personal Gmail accounts to conduct business are usually small-sized organizations or one-man companies. They may not see it as something bad, but in reality, using a personal account to conduct a business it’s not recommended. 

We advise you to use another Gmail account specifically for your work because a business email address gives you a more professional look. Try not to mix business and personal emails, to keep your processes more organized. This way you’ll have more control over things and make everyone else’s work more enjoyable.

Google has a strong business approach so they have created multiple solutions for companies. You can create a business Gmail account that comes with your business online domain attached. It will never be the same to conduct business with a personal Gmail account than using Gmail for business. In addition to this, Google has some great additional features and tools to help businesses. 

We also believe that small businesses have to think ahead, mainly that they will become larger shortly. And having your business communication channel – as the email is – is part of the construction of this bigger stage. 

What is G Suite?

gmail business - g suite
In a nutshell, G Suite is the business side of Gmail, but it goes way beyond that definition. It’s a group of smart apps formerly known as Google Apps designed to improve businesses’ email hosting needs. 

G Suite includes many tools and apps that will help your business. In addition to the Gmail business account, you create, you’ll have Google Drive, Google Calendar, Docs, and Google Sheets. They all provide business solutions. 

These are some of the most common uses people give to Google Docs and Google Sheets, and can also help your business:

  • Make quick financial figures
  • Make comments in real-time
  • You can send feedback and relevant comments about the content to other team members.
  • You can also send content to others while writing using the third party
  • There are multiple versions available. When a new version arrives, all the previous ones are kept still and they don’t make any room in your storage

Gmail as a business email tool

gmail for business

One of the great things about using Gmail as your business email is the interface. Gmail’s interface is the same for either personal use or business. Having the same interface makes it easier for users to go through the learning curve. It’s a great solution to improve your email management duties.

Here we have five important aspects of the benefits you get from using Gmail as a business tool:

  • You can implement several business email aliases
  • You can add a business domain to several email addresses, to improve professionalism which can have an impact on revenue.
  • If you’re migrating from another site, you can do so without losing the company’s business domain.
  • If an employee leaves the job or gets fired, G Suite automatically allows administrators to go in and fix things. They can immediately set up everything so you can move forward and delegate those emails to another person.

As you can see, there are many good reasons to use Gmail for your business email needs. In addition to the ones we just mentioned, Gmail is an email client that can be accessed anytime from anywhere in the world.

 It’s designed to deliver in a secure, flawless fashion.  You can access it from your office, your mobile and if you’re on the road, it will deliver too. Plus it comes with offline support for more convenience.

This a very versatile tool that comes with video/voice chat, instant messaging, and great storage capacity. The default, free one is 30GB, but you can upgrade according to your business needs. Plus, Gmail has a strong spam filter so you can focus on the important things.

You can synchronize it with Android or iOS. It provides seamless access from any platform to be displayed on any device for more comfort.

The downside

Right now you’re probably thinking: but there’s have to be a downside to it, it can’t be all perfect. Well, the problem that usually comes when you start using Gmail as a business email account client, are the limitations. For small groups, it delivers perfectly, but when the groups get bigger and bigger, that’s when the limitations start.

Gmail also has a lack of collaboration, since you can’t share your emails with the rest of your team easily. Moreover forwarding and copying your emails can lead to a real mess at your daily work, if you use them for almost every process. You need to find alternatives that can change this situation and turn your Gmail into a shared inbox.

In addition to this, your team may start having trouble working in unison and email management issues may also appear. If your group is already using Gmail and currently are experiencing these management issues, we have the perfect solution for this issue.


DragApp collaborative inbox

Gmail offers just an email service, but it can be improved with plugins and extensions. Drag is the perfect solution to fix email management issues – and other issues too – you may be having with Gmail. The best part is that you can implement DragApp to your business email without leaving Gmail.

Drag is perfect for teams that need a shared inbox but want to keep their usernames and passwords individually. Also, allied with GSuite you can have your company’s domain for every coworker.

Plus, you don’t need to install any software, or going through training to learn how to use it. You can use our shared inbox feature to take your email managing tasks to a whole new level. You can even change the way your inbox is organized to have more control over tasks. This will help you and your team to avoid sensitive information falling through the cracks plus it provides a more colorful environment, all without leaving the Gmail’s interface we all know and love.


Now that you know the importance of using Gmail for business allied to G Suit, you can simply create your account on both platforms within minutes. Start using them to grow your business’ reputation, and improve your processes at work. And remember that you can always use Drag as a solution for features you don’t find within Gmail.

Drag turns Gmail into your Team’s Workspace – One single place to support customers, manage tasks and close deals, from the place teams love: Gmail. We are a Techstars-backed Company, trusted by 30,000 users around the World.

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Samantha Anacleto

Author Samantha Anacleto

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