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Looking for the best Real Estate Agent Software? Follow this!

By October 14th, 2024No Comments
real estate agent software

A lot of listings, open houses, viewings and leads at the same time might be rough for realtors, especially when it comes to the busy season. But there are technology solutions that can help, including specific real estate agent software, that attend all the necessities of this career.
We know that closing deals is something that matters a lot to you, that’s why we bring a solution that can help to organize your daily work. This way you can focus on the human element of your transactions which is so important: your client.

Real Estate Agent Software solutions

A real estate software needs to be as complete as possible, so it can help with all the activities a realtor needs to deal with daily. To organize your processes, and never lose a deal because things were accumulating more and more, you need to choose an option such as a CRM tool, and others that can help you manage your work properly.
Take a look at some of the best options in the market, so you can make the right choice.

1. DragApp: More than a CRM for real estate inside Gmail

real estate agent software

Drag is a solution for both teams and individuals, so if you’re part of an agency, or work alone, it will serve your needs.

First, you need to know that Drag is different from any other real state agent software because it is a platform inside Gmail. So if you already use Gmail to communicate with your clients, then the transition to this app will be easy and smooth.

This means spending none or just a little time to learn how to manage the tool. So say goodbye to those long days of onboarding your team every time new software is implanted in the company.

The best thing about Drag is that you can stop navigating between tools like CRM software, your email inbox, a scheduling tool… the list is long because you know that you need a lot of features in your workflow. Drag was born to stop all of these extra steps and to optimize your time at work.

Real state CRM

As a real state agent, your relationship with your leads can’t have any obstacles. Also, you need to establish a good relationship with your customers, so they keep being loyal to your company.

Usually, the communication between realtors and their leads is done through emails, which is why CRM tools are integrated with email inboxes.

Drag offers the possibility of using CRM inside your Gmail account. This way you avoid back and forth to your inbox and improves your time at work, so you can spend most of it prospecting clients and leading them to house inspections.

Your schedule inside Gmail 

real estate crm

Drag has an integration with Google Calendar. So any email, task, with a due date attached, or even an appointment with a client will be automatically added to your Google Calendar. Therefore, you can relax knowing that you won’t miss any deadline ever again.

Task management

Imagine that you need to prepare three different paperwork from sells you made during one week of the “busy season”. How to deal with this without having a panic attack? Don’t rely on just notes in a notebook, having the help of a task manager to make things simpler is a much better option.

Drag’s task management is different visually talking. You have the Kanban View, which is a great way to keep things organized. You can create columns that represent the process’ stages, such as “To-do”, “Doing” and “Done”. By doing that you can easily track and manage all the important stuff you have to do.

You can also make your emails become tasks, which can make your work a lot easier.

Reminders and notes

Add reminders or notes in your emails to keep on track during every transaction. Set up important information about a client’s profile, or a special request. Never forget any detail and have all the information in hand.

If you are part of a team…

So you are part of a real state agency team, and you need a system that helps all the realtors work together, collaborating with each other.

Drag offers you a shared inbox, where you can share emails and tasks with your teammates seamlessly. By creating what is called “boards”, the team has access to the emails that usually would be forwarded or copied in a regular inbox. This type of routine ends up creating long threads that can cause confusion and disorganization, which not good for productivity.

This way delegating an email or task becomes easy, and you can attribute responsibilities to other team members.

2. House Canary: forecast home and market values

real estate agent software house canary

House Canary is a suite of real estate analytics and valuation products to fuel acquisition, portfolio management, underwriting, and other processes. You can use it to potentialize your portfolio investment using detailed analytics. With this real estate agent software, you can have forecasted home values, which is something to help you understand the market, and choose fair prices to the properties you manage.

HouseCanary Analytics Platform

It allows you to enhance your daily investment decisions and offers you risk management programs. In this platform, it’s possible to have full access to advanced analytics on lots of US residential real estate properties. No more uncovered values of homes. 

You can “forecast the values of the homes and entire markets with the highest accuracy, granularity, and speed”, according to HouseCanary.

There are some programs inside this platform that you can choose:

Property Explorer: You can see historic price growth from individual houses. This way you can understand the context of a property’s value and also its neighborhood and market near it.

 Market Explorer: Neighborhood analysis where you can get data on rental return, market demographics. With this tool, you can find great new investment markets and opportunities.

 HouseCanary Agile Suite

The Agile Suite unites machine learning, and the human insight to establish values and risks of properties. All the process from the underwriting portfolio management to underwriting, with valuation products that help you determine collateral market value and understand the context around property value.

It’s possible to have three products: Agile Insights, Agile Evaluation or Agile Certified.

3. iStaging: improve your clients’ experience with VR

iStaging is a real estate agent software developed to offer a 360° virtual tour feature, which allows your lead to “visit” a property without leaving their homes. Or your office.

To create your virtual tour it’s possible to use a smartphone with a rotator and 720° Lens, and then you capture panoramas. So you can put them in your to online listings, adding notes to them to highlight a housing’s features. 

Using LiveTour can help real estate clients to understand all the details of a property very quickly. It will facilitate the transactions because your leads will have a clear idea of what they want to see or not in person. You can save time and money reducing the number of houses you show to them.

Virtual Reality tours

real estate software

iStaging offers you to catch professional-quality VR tours of any space with your smartphone.

It’s a technologic solution, that will certainly make a difference in your site’s user experience. For a real estate lead, a simple photo is never enough to see a property. All you have to do is to create panoramas and use iStaging’s builder to link them.

Besides that, you can capture 360° panoramas in 8K resolution to offer the best quality as possible to your clients. The best part is that you can do this with your phone.

Build your own experience

It’s possible to add tags, notes, a floor plan or hotspots to create the perfect tour in virtual reality experience. There are infinite possibilities to customize your tours, according to what you need and your style.

Share the tours easily

You can easily embed your tour on your website, use VR goggles to visualize them, add it to your Multiple Listing Service (MLS), share it with clients in social media or email. It’s also possible to add tours to your service offering.

Incredibly fast

According to iStaging, “creating a live tour for a 2-bedroom home takes around 10 minutes from start to finish”. It’s a short time to invest in a big change in the way you display the properties you manage.


We hope you already have made your decision, based on what it’s best to enhance your productivity and organization, leading to many more sales.

Remember that the best real estate agent software are those which allow you to spend your time prospecting leads, facilitating your work, and improving your processes. We wish you good sales and a “busy season” that you can handle easily!

Interested in learning other businesses that can benefit from Drag? Check out these articles:

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Get a versatile tool for your real estate business

Drag turns Gmail into your Team’s Workspace – One single place to support customers, manage tasks and close deals, from the place teams love: Gmail. We are a Techstars-backed Company, trusted by 30,000 users around the World.

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Samantha Anacleto

Author Samantha Anacleto

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